Program Analysis

1. Introduction

Static analysis: analyze P before running P.

  • information leak
  • pointer(dereference, memory location)
  • cast operations(eg. Java int cast to double) safe or not safe
  • assert statement fail or not fail
  • dead code problem

Rice Theorem: no approach determine whether P Satisfied non-trivial properties(give YES or NO answer) 无法准确告知以上情况存不存在

Rice Theorem: any non-trivial property of the behavior of programs in re language is undecidable 递归可枚举语言(图灵机可识别的语言)是undecidable. non-trivial properties=interesting properties=related to run-time behavior

Perfect static analysis (sound and complete) not exist!

Most compromising completeness: sound but not fully-precise.


B b = new B();
a.fld = b;
C c = new C();
a.fld = c;
B b' = (B) a.fld;

not safe cast if run the sound static analysis.

Static Analysis: ensure (or get close to) soundness, while making good trade-offs between analysis precision and analysis speed. (Abstraction and Over-approximation)

static analysis 主要关心程序的abstract domain(sign): +, -, 0, unknown, undefined

How to get abstract values? Transfer function